One People, One Planet, One Purpose

Guided by the Great Law of Peace and Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) cultural values, Indigenous World’s “ONE” aims to educate and inspire initiatives of peace and connection among All People and the Planet.

As Onkwehonwe (Indigenous) People, we have ways in our culture,  promoted universal peace and oneness; it is also in these teachings that they were intended for EVERYONE, not just Indigenous People.

The One: People, Planet & Purpose movement was created to educate, inspire and empower individual and collective action that contributes to the restoration of our connections- among people and the planet, to ONE.

“This effort to protect Mother Earth is all humanity’s responsibility, not just indigenous people. Every human being has ancestors in their lineage that understood their umbilical cord to the Earth, understanding the need to always protect and thank her. Therefore, all humanity has to re-connect to their own Indigenous Roots of their lineage- to heal their connection and responsibility with Mother Earth and become a united voice… All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer.” ~ Chief Arvol Lookinghorse

On the premise of an individual and collective responsibility to facilitate the original instructions embedded in natural law, We call ALL people to ACTION
  • to learn and share cultural teachings, tools and resources that promote solidarity, cultural inclusivity and advance cross-cultural understanding
  • to contribute to the preservation and revitalization of Indigenous cultures and languages
  • and most importantly, to revitalize the connection between all of us as Onkwehonwe (Indigenous) people- in our communities, with other Indigenous communities and with the rest of the world


Through the sharing of our cultural teachings and offerings that promote peace and oneness among all people and the planet, we can revitalize our Connections and CommUNITY across the globe.


By beginning each day and journey with “the words before all else” (Greetings to the Natural World),  we give thanks, align our intentions and bring our minds together as ONE.

We can restore PEACE,

  • by agreeing to use a Good Mind with yourself, others and Mother Earth.
  • by lifting the shame many of us carry for not knowing our ancestral culture, language and connection

We can restore PRIDE,

  • by healing and empowering ourselves from the inside- out. Within ourselves, within our families, within our community.
  • by shifting the environment/influences around us to uncover and instill the value in each and every person, element and life form.

We can restore UNITY,

  • by being INCLUSIVE with our cultural values and teachings.
  • by coming together to create a safe, supportive and nurturing environment for our children and generations to come.

And we can strengthen our CONNECTIONS,

  • by aligning our thoughts, words and actions…to that of the greater good of all living things and universe.

The realization of the ONE Mind carries us beyond the isolation and frustration of the separate individual struggling against impossible odds. Life becomes more than a wearisome journey from cradle to the creamatorium. A felt unity with all other minds conveys renewed meaning, purpose, and possibility and sense of the sacredness of all things.” (ONE MIND, L. Dossey)

The Indigenous World Organization is committed to Restoring Unity among all People and the Planet by:

  • Partnering with, promoting and supporting Indigenous organizations, individuals and projects that facilitate cultural pathways and provide socio-economic support to Indigenous communities; more specifically towards the healing and empowerment of our ELDERS, YOUTH and Cultural Knowledge Bearers.
  • By providing a reliable, advantageous space and prospering opportunities to Indigenous artisans, organizations and cultural knowledge bearers.
  • By creating educational marketing materials to accompany art and product offerings.

We place our main focus on supporting Authentic Indigenous Art because supporting artists and culture bearers is a proven way to nurture culturally informed, locally led community development that not only enhances tribal economies, but strengthens Indigenous communities ability to sustain and progress generations of traditional knowledge.*

In revitalizing the extension of the Four White Roots of Peace across the globe, we welcome All to join in restoring our connections to a World where People and Planet are ONE!


  • by making a tax-deductible DONATION.
  • by making a purchase from Indigenous World Selects STORE, including our CHARITY ITEMS (in which we receive 100% of proceeds).
  • by liking, following and sharing our social media accounts Facebook, Instagram
  • by tagging #IndigenousWorld #OnePeopleOnePlanet in your posts that promote Universal Peace, Pride, Unity and Connections among people and the planet!


Stay tuned for the further development and sharing of cultural teachings through our website.

Nia:wen/Thank you (in Mohawk).


