Archive for Term: Confederacies

Confederacies in United States


Alliances formed between multiple Indigenous nations or tribes are foundational elements of Indigenous governance, woven into the fabric of their societal structures for centuries. These alliances, often established for reasons spanning mutual defense against external threats, political cooperation, and economic collaboration, serve not only as mechanisms for survival but as a demonstration of the deeply bonded nature of many Indigenous communities. A prime example of such alliances’ significance, and the most well-known, is the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, a model union of the Mohawk, Onondaga, Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, and later the Tuscarora nations.

United under the guiding principles of the Kaienerakowa, or The Great Law of Peace, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy is an ideal example of collective governance and mutual respect. The Great Law of Peace lays the groundwork for a society where peace prevails over conflict, equity over inequality, and collective decision-making through the consensus of the people over the rule of the few.

This way of life bolsters the Haudenosaunee’s strength and unity, showcasing Indigenous governance systems’ profound wisdom and forward-thinking. Prioritizing community welfare and the natural world demonstrates a governance model far more effective in fostering unity and well-being than the individualistic approaches found in Western models. Many Indigenous Confederacies are intact today and work cooperatively to confront the issues and concerns facing Indigenous people today.

The current Confederacies listings were compiled using data from Tribal Nations Maps and multiple websites of information on Nations in the US and Canada.